Intervju Paul Wandless


Etter intervjuer med flere spillere den siste tiden, er jeg nå tilbake med et nytt intervju, denne gang med en trener. Da jeg la ut en status om å intervjue spillere, kom det en forespørsel fra Bjerkreim trener Paul Wandless å spurte om jeg kunne intervjue han, å svaret var ja fra min side. Så kos dere med intervjuet av en spennende trener i en spennende klubb.


How has the first weeks of pre season gone?


– Cold, we started back the first week in January, a lot of fitness work, pushing the players as hard as they can week by week now as we aim to get our fitness as high as possible.

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Last season your guys ended 7th place in 6 divison, only 3 points ahead of being relegated, what are you gonna do to do it better this season?

– Our away form has been an issue long before I joined and has continue to be an issue for us, this season is the season we aim to put that right. We had one of the best home records in the division in terms of points and defensive record, we must take that into the away games. If we look back at where the club was when I joined in 2016 to where we are now, we are in a very solid position with stability. That has been the main focus, to make this club stable, then and only then can we look forward and progress.


Have you got some new players into the squad?


–  We have a couple of new signings in this season, all local players who have returned from school or work, Jøran Vinningland being the stand out return to the team. We also have a few players from our youth team this year old enough to play. This is an issue we have had as a club for a few seasons with us not having a U15 or U16, we were losing all our juniors to other local clubs in Egersund, Algard and beyond so this season will be nice to finally have a U15 team which I have seen develop or the last few seasons and now be at the age a couple can get a chance through the season. Name one player you wish


Name one player you wish to the club, a dream signing for Bjerkreim?


–  I am hoping this is a trick question as I would not swap my players for anyone locally, we have a great team and a great team spirit, for a club and a bunch of young lads who suffered season after season of poor finishes, last year they dug deep, developed as a team and showed that we can compete at this level and progress from here. I must say again that this team was one of the youngest sides I have seen, lacking any experience for many games of the 2 seasons I have been here, they have done well to learn on the job and develop. We can only get stronger. But of course I would not say no to Messi coming down to Bjerkreim IL if he fancies a change to the sun in Spain.


Who is gonna be the key player this season?

– Football can not be won by one player, this is a game of 11v11 and if the squad works as I believe they will and if we learn what I want us to learn over the pre season period, we will have a successful season but it is not for me to say who will be the key player, it is for the players to show me


And last question, wich position are Bjerkreim gonna get this season?


– When you look back at results last season, 2 of our 3 defeats at home were against B teams, 2 of our 6 defeats away from home were against B teams, coming up against the top scorer from 2 divisions higher is not fair, it is not acceptable to make my young developing team play against players who 4 or 5 days later played in division 4, this season, we dont have that. The only reserve team is Eiger C who are a great side, a side I am excited to face but removing the B teams this year I think makes this league an exciting one, there are matches we can win and matches we can lose if we do not stay focused. There is no reason at all why we can not aim for the top 2, there is no reason at all why we cant aim to win the division. The players have the abilities and they have the drive, they must now have the belief.

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